4 Ways to Take Care of Your Pet’s Teeth
In order to keep your dog or cat happy and healthy, it’s important to care for its teeth. Not sure how to do so? Take a look at these 4 essential steps for promoting dental hygiene in your pets: Make toothbrushing a habit. One of the most effective things you can do to keep your […]
Tips for Helping Your Pets Transition Into Fall
As summer winds down and the weather begins to get cooler, there are a few things that you should do to help your pets get ready for autumn: Increase the amount of food you give your cat or dog. It takes more energy for animals to stay warm in cold weather. Therefore, your pet will […]
The 7 Quietest Dog Breeds
While all dogs make noise, some dogs make a lot more noise than others. Whether you live in an apartment with thin walls or you just like your peace and quiet, it may be preferable for you to have a dog that is on the quieter side. In order to help you in your […]
Simple Ways to Lessen Your Dog’s Anxiety About Being Groomed
Photo Credit: Shelley Groomer CCBY As any pet owner knows, it’s common for dogs to get a bit worked up when they go to the groomer. Upon realizing where it’s going, your dog may become anxious and begin panting, trembling, salivating, whining, and even vomiting. Luckily, there are many easy things that you can do […]
4 Surprising Ways You May Be Hurting Your Pet
When you own a cat or dog, you want to do everything you can to make sure that it stays healthy and happy. However, even the best owners sometimes make mistakes. But don’t fret – we’ve compiled a list of ways in which you could be unknowingly harming your dog or cat. This way, you […]
How to Help Your Dog Stay Cool This Summer
Photo Credit: luckyno3 CCBY Now that summer’s finally here, it’s time to relax and enjoy the warm weather with your dog. While doing so, however, you need to pay attention to how the heat is affecting your pet and take measures to cool it down if necessary. Here are a few tips for helping your […]
How to Interpret Common Dog Behaviors
When they’re not doing cute things like wagging their tails and nuzzling you on the couch, dogs can be some mysterious creatures. Just like babies and other beings that can’t talk to say exactly that they want or need, dogs deserve time and patience when it comes to understanding their individual needs. The next time […]