Six Tips to Follow When Meeting a New Dog

Six Tips to Follow When Meeting a New Dog

As pet sitters and animal lovers, many interact with dogs daily. It’s all fun and games, but when meeting a dog for the first time, you must take certain precautions to avoid getting bit. Some dogs may be reactive and can bite if agitated. If you have experience with dogs, you’re likely to be able […]

Why Table Scraps Aren’t Good for Your Pets

Why Table Scraps Aren’t Good for Your Pets

Holiday get-togethers are frequent during the colder months. A warm and cozy atmosphere is what we crave. These usually come with festivities and a lot of food. With the abundance of food, it’s easy to want to share with our furry friends hanging around the table. Our pets flash their sad looks and puppy-dog eyes, […]

How to Ensure a Safe Halloween for You and Your Pets!

Halloween is always a fun time of year for everyone.

Halloween is always a fun time of year for everyone. Humans and pets alike! The celebrations, decor, costumes, and children going door to door for candy can be very festive and enjoyable. It can also be stressful for some of our furry friends. In all of the excitement, we might need to remember how our […]

Help your Pet Beat the Heat and Stay Hydrated!

Help your Pet Beat the Heat and Stay Hydrated!

This Summer has been a hot one! With only a couple of weeks left of Summer we thought we’d write a blog to help your pet beat the heat and stay hydrated. As much as we love enjoying the summer sun with our pets, it’s important to understand that animals often respond to heat differently […]

Training Kids to be with Your Pets

Training Kids to be with Your Pets

Did you get a new pet? Congratulations – we wish you the best of luck with the training process, but pets aren’t the only ones that need training. Children also need to be taught how to handle and care for pets. Training kids to be with your pets is essential to being a responsible pet […]

Keeping Fido Cool this Summer

Keeping Fido Cool this Summer

Keeping Fido cool this Summer is essential! During the hottest periods of the year, keeping your dog hydrated and cool is very important. Although it’s nice to be outdoors, too much sun can be dangerous. Heat stroke is a deadly condition affecting many people and dogs each year. With the warm weather coming, it’s essential […]

Four Poisonous Plants to Watch Out for Your Dogs and Cats

Four Poisonous Plants to Watch Out for Your Dogs and Cats

Spring is creeping up on us fast, and the dog days of summer will be upon us in no time! Our dogs and cats will soon enjoy their time in the sun. We can enjoy more time outdoors with our pets as the weather gets warmer. But remember, April showers bring May flowers, and we […]

Should You Cut Your Pet’s Hair This Summer?

Should You Cut Your Pet’s Hair This Summer

With the blistering summer heat here to stay, you may be wondering what you can do to help your pet cool down this Summer. You may be wondering if you should cut your pet’s hair this Summer to give them some relief. If your dog or cat has a thick fur coat, giving them a […]

Ensuring a Safe Halloween for You and Your Pets!

Halloween is always a fun time of year for everyone. The celebrations, decor, costumes, and children going door to door for candy can be very festive and enjoyable. However, it can also be a very stressful time for our furry friends. In all of the excitement, we might forget about how our pets react to […]

Keeping Fido Cool this Summer

During the hottest periods of the year, it is very important to stay hydrated and cool, both for you and your furry friend! Being that Heat Stroke is a real danger, (a study at a Hebrew University found out that half of canines who get it won’t survive), you want to make sure your dog […]